On this page you will find all the answers to LA Times Crossword of July 25th 2019.
July 25th 2019 Answers
Clue | Answer |
Diet food phrase | NOFAT |
Puny pencil | STUB |
__ gin fizz | SLOE |
Ancient market | AGORA |
Long Island Iced Tea coloring provider | COLA |
Double-decker checker | KING |
Detergent sold around Yankee Stadium? | BRONXCHEER |
Village People megahit | YMCA |
Good to go | SET |
Put up | HOUSE |
Fell off | EBBED |
Title characters, typically | LEADS |
Tetris shape | ELL |
Chicken __ | KIEV |
Jingle for a detergent ad? | SURFMUSIC |
Stuck, with "down" | BOGGED |
Game official | REF |
Mediterranean tourist site | ETNA |
"Go team!" | RAH |
Detergent for fishing equipment? | NETGAIN |
Same old routine | RUT |
__ sax | ALTO |
Charge | FEE |
Large sea ducks | EIDERS |
Directors in charge of a detergent? | DASHBOARD |
Junior prom attendee | TEEN |
G.I. chow | MRE |
"Snowy" bird | EGRET |
No-sweat class | EASYA |
Copier of old | MIMEO |
Member of the fam | SIB |
Quickly down | CHUG |
Detergent for seasonal cleaning? | SPRINGTIDE |
Kon-Tiki Museum city | OSLO |
Acorn droppers | OAKS |
Three on a par-five, say | EAGLE |
Hard on the ears | LOUD |
Military outpost | BASE |
Composition for nine | NONET |
Bags | NABS |
Fantasy brute | OGRE |
Stage illumination | FOOTLIGHTS |
Prince Valiant's son | ARN |
Many an offshore bank account | TAXHAVEN |
Go downhill fast | SCHUSS |
__ the line | TOES |
Film beekeeper | ULEE |
Keep out | BAR |
Color named for a natural phenomenon | SKYBLUE |
Spot for a nest | LIMB |
A while back | ONCE |
"Good grief!" | EGAD |
Atlantic catch | COD |
Stately tree | ELM |
Brain scan, for short | EEG |
__ White, Jennifer Hudson's role in the film "Dreamgirls" | EFFIE |
Fluffy-eared critter | KOALA |
Pushy type | URGER |
"V for Vendetta" actor Stephen | REA |
It may have an arrow | STREETSIGN |
Store, as ashes | INURN |
Title pets in a Lilian Jackson Braun mystery series | CATS |
Thin nail | BRAD |
"Moll Flanders" novelist | DEFOE |
Cause of a brewed awakening? | TEA |
Ammonia component | NITROGEN |
"Heavens!" | OHMYGOD |
Snider of Twisted Sister | DEE |
Sports __ | BRA |
End | DEMISE |
High-ranking off. | GEN |
Earth Day subj. | ECOL |
"Understood" | AHSO |
"Mr." on a sci-fi bridge | SULU |
Film-rating org. | MPAA |
Bothers | IRKS |
Like much chitchat | IDLE |
Borscht vegetable | BEET |
Blubber | SOB |
Confucian path | TAO |
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