Tuesday, February 25, 2020

LA Times Crossword Answers, February 26th 2020

On this page you will find all the answers to LA Times Crossword of February 26th 2020.

February 26th 2020 Answers

Clue Answer
Commerce pact to be replaced by USMCA when it's ratified NAFTA
__ circus MEDIA
Cook quickly ZAP
Fluffed-up dos AFROS
Apple music players IPODS
Actress Longoria EVA
Outlaw BAN
Iraq War concern: Abbr. WMD
New beginning? NEO
Spine-tingling EERIE
Farm female EWE
*Response to wild applause CURTAINCALL
Almost on "E" LOW
Biblical mount ASS
Attend GOTO
"The Art of Loving" author Erich FROMM
Cubs' home DEN
Fort Collins sch. CSU
*Political metaphor about dealing with bureaucracy DRAINTHESWAMP
Wild blue yonder SKY
Unagi, e.g. EEL
Beyond angry IRATE
Membership fees DUES
"Help!" at sea SOS
P-like letter RHO
*Market-based pollution-control policy CAPANDTRADE
"__ Explain Things to Me": 2014 Rebecca Solnit essay anthology MEN
Yellow-and-white daisy OXEYE
"Otoh, what will you pay?" OBO
Long of "Empire" NIA
A-lister VIP
Classic "Psycho" segment where one might see the starts of the answers to starred clues SHOWERSCENE
Programmer CODER
Certain Jamaican, religiously RASTA
Brief reaction to oversharing TMI
Newspaper essays OPEDS
Wild West movie OATER
"Don't think so" NAH
Brief thing to say AFEWWORDS
Basic structure FRAMEWORK
Lincoln in-law TODD
Shade of gray ASH
Ones who dig hard rock? MINERS
Florida theme park EPCOT
Play-__: kids' clay DOH
Wedding promise IDO
Agreement ASSENT
Striped equine ZEBRA
To no __: useless AVAIL
Group of judges PANEL
Weight on one's shoulders ONUS
Tesla Model X, for one ECOCAR
"The Hobbit" being ELF
Sleeveless top, for short CAMI
"A Death in the Family" author AGEE
or - particles IONS
"Help!" at sea MAYDAY
UPS rival DHL
Most ingratiatingly earnest SMARMIEST
Get serious, gambler-style UPTHEANTE
Can't live without NEED
Push to the limit TEST
Seemingly forever EON
World Heritage Site org. UNESCO
Civil War swords SABERS
Baking soda target ODOR
Tenth Commandment verb COVET
Universal principle AXIOM
One side in the "cola wars" PEPSI
Crewed in a shell ROWED
College Football Playoff org. NCAA
Sock __ HOP
Lyrical tribute ODE
"No seats" sign SRO
Cup handle EAR


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