Saturday, November 21, 2020

LA Times Crossword Answers, November 22nd 2020

On this page you will find all the answers to LA Times Crossword of November 22nd 2020.

November 22nd 2020 Answers

Clue Answer
Respectfully tip DOFF
Shopper's delight SALE
Four-time NFL Pro Bowl safety __ Chancellor KAM
Computer addresses: Abbr. IPS
Newscaster Lindström PIA
Garfield's foil ODIE
Elemental bit ATOM
Street in Montréal RUE
Farm equipment SEEDERS
Headline announcing Thomas Kingsford's 1842 process? ASTARCHISBORN
Peak in Exod. MTSINAI
Speeds RACES
Poet's "in a trice" ANON
Secret supplies STASHES
English cheese town STILTON
Ovid work AMORES
The Beatles' "__ Loser" IMA
Gimlet garnish LIME
Breakfast product made from trees? ALLBRANCHCEREAL
"Hold your horses!" INASEC
Approx. landing time ETA
Carnival city RIO
Mid-12th-century date MCLI
Place for the good guys? MENSCHROOM
Tissue swellings EDEMAS
Medical suffix OMA
Little laughs HEES
From the top ANEW
Ancient German TEUTON
Eye layer SCLERA
Fast-food franchise started in Rocky Mount, NC HARDEES
Do penance ATONE
Pants fabric CHINO
Tops that bare arms and midriffs HALTERS
__ vinegar OILAND
Secluded valley GLEN
Lad in Limerick BOYO
MD's request MRI
Field and Ride SALLYS
Apex predator at the feeder? SHARKFINCH
Gets steamed IRES
Golfer's concern LIE
Part of a split PIN
Worth remembering OFNOTE
Literary slugger making cookies? CASEYATTHEBATCH
Email button SEND
Soong __-ling: Madame Chiang MEI
All but one of the balls in 9-Ball SOLIDS
D.C.'s __ Row EMBASSY
Composer Saint-Saëns CAMILLE
Lift one's spirits? TOPE
Bike part CHAIN
Low-tech traveler's reference USATLAS
What keeps the church singers healthy? CHORALHYGIENE
Puts on a pedestal ESTEEMS
Give a leg up AID
Legal claim LIEN
Promo on the tube TVAD
Sault __ Marie STE
2000 Peace Prize recipient Kim __-jung DAE
Apt. listing abbr. RMS
Pain in the neck, e.g. ACHE
Evergreen shrubs YEWS
__ double take DOA
Consumes to excess, briefly ODS
It's thrown in anger FIT
Courageous FEARLESS
Vanzetti's partner SACCO
Greek goddess of wisdom ATHENA
Daily Planet name LOIS
Ambulance initials EMS
Swedish monetary units KRONOR
Second-largest Illinois city AURORA
Skin Bracer maker MENNEN
Beliefs ISMS
Ruffled-edge underskirt PETTICOAT
Kind of oil used in hummus SESAME
Phnom __ PENH
Wrath, in a hymn IRAE
5-Across alert ASIS
Win over DISARM
Informer RAT
__ Bigelow, echoically nicknamed 20th-century wrestler BAMBAM
Remote SLIM
Spork prong TINE
Somali-born supermodel IMAN
Voice above tenor ALTO
Attached with spiral hardware SCREWED
Many August births LEOS
That guy HIM
Transition area between plant communities ECOTONE
Nuts that put the joy in candy bars? ALMONDS
Former NPR host Hansen LIANE
Levels of authority ECHELONS
"SNL" alumna Oteri CHERI
Get to REACH
Home of the Ewoks ENDOR
Cook Paula et al. DEENS
Closes securely SEALSOFF
Half-elf married to Aragorn ARWEN
Home of Canyonlands National Park UTAH
Astronaut Wally SCHIRRA
Habaneros and jalapeños CHILIES
Turner on a screen LANA
Like sledding terrain HILLY
Feeds the pot ANTES
Tijuana mister SENOR
Aerie newcomers EAGLETS
Pulitzer-winning Chicago journalist Mike ROYKO
Demetri Martin, e.g. COMIC
Exiled religious leader DALAILAMA
Judge's seat BANC
Ignited LIT
"The Blacklist" star SPADER
Top numbers HITS
Extreme foolishness INSANITY
Negatives NOES
UPS boxes CTNS
Actress Lamarr HEDY
Arab or Hebrew SEMITE
Showed anger, perhaps YELLED
Wheels involved in a crime, maybe HOTCAR
Hebrew God ELOHIM
Two-legged supports BIPODS
Conniving laugh HEHHEH
ESPN journalist Kenny MAYNE
Trending BIG
Lines before yours, say CUES
Admin. aide ASST
Latin 101 verb ESSE
__ Stic: retractable Bic pen CLIC
In the manner of ALA
Night before the big day EVE
Rural regrets NAW
Magazine VIPs EDS


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